Sunday, 28 June 2009

Giveaway Winner!

I'm not sure I've ever won anything on the internet before. But, I recently saw Shannon's offer here on her Bathtub Dreamer blog, and left a message. Therefore, I was a bit suprised to win! Shannon says the book has a fault somewhere that renders the book not up to her usual high standards. Well, I like high standards, but I can't find anything wrong with it! It's a lovely coptic bound book, and I especially like the paper covering the inside covers. Lovely. Thanks Shannon!


Carol said...

Congratulations on your win. Looks pretty good for a book the maker thought was faulty. I've written in my blog about something I won - have a look - I've linked to your site as well.

Simon said...

Thanks Carol, yep certainly looks OK to me. Thanks for the mention. If you fancy a swap, let me know.